Youth Group




Youth Group 'Adulting' Shout! J.4.T.L.

Connect with us.

It can be difficult to find a place to belong and discover a sense of purpose in our world. Here are some ways to connect with us as we learn from Jesus to create meaningful community.

Youth Group

Any youth between 5th-12th grade are welcome to catch up every Thursday to build relationships with one another and God.

t h u r s d a y s

Snacktivities + Jesus every Thursday! 6:30p - 8:00p


After years of adults ranging in age from 18 - 38 getting together to build meaningful relationships with one another at dinner tables and bowling alleys we never really found a name that best identified us. Now we do! Adulting is a gathering for anyone looking to connect with other adults over food, fun, and faith.

f r i d a y + s a t u r d a y

Spring Retreat March 17-18


Singing, praying, preaching, and receiving God’s gifts of grace are foundational spiritual practices of the Christian faith (a.k.a worship).

Shout! is a monthly acoustic service of singing, reflection, and prayer. Youth led but all ages welcome and wanted!

f r i + s u n

> 1st Friday = Shout! Worship \ 6:30p - 8:00p

> 10:30am Sundays = English Worship

> 10:30am Sundays = Tigrinya Worship

J4TL - Just for the Ladies \

On the 4th Saturday of every month ladies from Good Shepherd get together to eat breakfast, build relationships, and pray for one another. All ladies are invited and encouraged to bring something to share!

s a t u r d a y s

Coffee + Breakfast + Prayer + Fellowship

4th Saturday every month! 9:00a-10:30a


ትግርኛ | Tigrinya Worship


About us